Friday, November 20, 2009

I need to know if this boy likes me.?

I have had a crush on a boy at my school for a couple of months. We have a lot of the same interests in movies and books and music. We talk all the time on myspace and sometimes at school. My friends think he likes me. Sometimes I do because of certain things he says. For example, he told me he was going to start talking to me more often at school because he wants to say something intellectual to me in real life. Though other times, I don't think he likes me. He made one Valentine card and gave it to the first person who gave him a Valentine. Coincidentally, I gave him his first card and I got his home-made card. He was talking about me and my card all during first and second period, according to three of my friends. My friend tried to get information out of him so she told him it was cute. He yelled at her saying, "It's not cute, it's a card" Can anyone tell me if he likes me and how I can get him to ask me out if he does.

I need to know if this boy likes me.?

It seems that he likes you but he is not sure if you like him so he is confused

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