Ok ive been seeing this guy for 10 months now. i see him every 2 months as he does uni elsewhere. anyway recently we had a nice photo taken together of us kissing at a friends party(just a peck, nothing rude or dodgy - was actually a really pretty/cute photo) anyway i put it up as my display picture on myspace and he got all funny and said he doesnt like it, its "too much" seeing he doesnt like PDA. so i cracked it and took the photo off. im really upset with him. do i have a right? feels like he's embarressed for us to be seen together or like im a secret from his uni friends. even though he denys it. he is even funny with showing affecting in public together too. i dont expect him to make out with me but a slight kiss or hand holding shouldnt be too hard. do i have a right to be upset? i dont know what to say to him.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
You do have the right to be upset.... because you want to display PDA, and he clearly doesn't.
However, don't worry about it at all, most guys are like this - so it's very common.
My advice is to just respect his decision, but always keep in mind that if he didn't want to display PDA - he wouldn't have had his picture taken with him kissing you :-)
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
i'm one of those kinds of guys... i wouldn't want to plaster my relationship status everywhere i go with a display picture. it's like "look at us, we're so in love!" so i'd respect his limit and put a different picture up. maybe one of you two together, but not in such a PDA way
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
He doesn't want people seeing his picture with YOU! Maybe he is not ready yet, ya you have a right to be mad, but don't put to much thought into it. Guys are funny like that, chicks are camera whores, you hardly see a dude taking pics , not me anyways. so don't trip. give him time.. but you made one mistake you took it down, you should of said to him that you like that pic so you want to keep it up!@
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
I asked something similar last week. You should the answers to my question. Just click on my picture!
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
that sounds sketchy to me..the fact that you only see eachother every 2 months and he wont hold your hand in public? if it were me, i'd be majorly suspicious...just sit him down and ask if he wants to be in this relationship...if he says yes, just say you knwo he's shy but maybe he can compromise with you by just giving youa quick hand squeeze in public or something...if it doesnt clear up, i'd say he's hiding something
somethin i just thought of: you DID say he kissed you at a friends party...so thats in front of people...but who initiated it? did you have to force it out of him?
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
you should talk to him, who knows he could be shy about it and if so (if I were you) I'd start getting him used to things like that little by little. talking to him would be the most important thing to do tho.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
If your proud post it now.............if not go to my space
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
Just respect how he feels about the whole PDA situation and expect the same respect from him when you talk it over. Just talk about how it makes him feel why it makes him uncomfortable. Then you can let him know how it makes you upset. It'll work out I'm sure.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
You have every right to feel the way you do now. The best thing to do in this situation would probably be to ask him why he didn't want that picture on your myspace. You might not be able to change the way he thinks about PDA, but at least you would know how he felt about it.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
I am not a big fan of PDA myself - I kinda squawk at it too and I was married for 7 years and still feel its intimate and should be reclusive - kept behind closed doors- hell I don't even like walking and holding hands- not because I am ashamed or not in love/like, etc. it is just a really uncomfortable feeling when I get stares and "goofy" remarks from others- kind of annoying- but I was madly in love -so perhaps he's one of those "don't kiss and tell " types. I am female and I know it seems odd to not care for PDA or so I've been told. But dude what is uni?
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
if it were me, that picture would most likely decrease my chances with other girls....
not good!
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
I didnt like it, but now its not so bad, but i still dont just go around kissin and all that. If im in the club (im usually drunk) its no big deal lol
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
Sounds like he doesn't want other people to see it more than he has a problem with a picture of a little PDA. Take a long hard look at his behavior and his words. Something smells.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
ye you have a right to be mad it seems to me like he is hiding something... i think he may have a sideline chick and she doesnt want her to know about you...so he is afraid that she may see that pic and you get it from there... i say get rid of him befor the relationship goes on more and it gets harder to let go and plus u only see him once every too months.. that is kinda fishy
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
dont take it personally. it is different from a guys point of view. he doesn't mean to hurt your feelings and would not understand why it would hurt your feelings. PDA is so strange to us men. We don't have to advertise our feelings for someone in a photo. the photo you two took was fun for him, it doesnt necessarily mean it can be posted or should be posted. men like to hide their emotions. they do not like to broadcast themselves to the world. its just not in our nature. we hate it, just like we might hate Britney Spear's public display of indecency. It just isn't necessary from a guys point of view. don't take it to heart. if he knew how important it was to you, he probably wouldn't mind as much. Just don;t take it personally and respect his wishes. Men do things that women find unnecessary, however the men feel that it is ok. And men should also respect the womans point of view.
PDA (public displays of affection....)?
For one some people are like that. I mean its nothing personal against you or anything. But he probably doesn't feel comfortable with showing affection amongst strangers. And to put up a private photo on myspace where you know everyone will see it. Making that many more strangers looking at him kiss you. MySpace is one of the most public networking sites there is. So to have the pic up like that is just like kissing you on the street in front of people he doesn't know. Its really nothing you have a right to be upset about it. Its just he doesn't share your same comfort level. Should try to respect him on this and allow him to have his own views. The more you judge him the more you make it awkward for him. Don't want that or need that in a relationship.
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