Sunday, November 29, 2009

Why do people do this...?

How come girls call the not the best looking/kind of overweight guys cute\hot?

Okay, so at my school hot girls like talking to the guys who are pretty overweight and/or are "okay" looking. Nothing amazing with them. They're not trying to get somebody jealous or anything, but they're more like friends.

I'm looking at some of my friends' Myspace profiles and they get some comments like "OMG I LOVEEEE YOU SOOO CUTE ;]" when they guys are really not some hottie to be honest. So why do girls do that? I know they're being nice but what do those guys have that I don't? Personality, confidence, what???!!!

Why do people do this...?

OMG cause thye ont care about over wieghtnessessess they care about yoour personality and HOTTTNESSs.

omg i like answerd your questions like 50 times you dont look overwierght and your like hot.

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