my boyfriend and i both have myspace. i am 19 n he is 21
i really never checked his myspace but occationaly i did
one day i got on n saw that he had sent a girl a message.
this is what it said:
Whats up ma
Whats good with you sweety?
I asked him about it n he said she was just a friend from school
y would he call her that tho
it really hurt me
should i b worried about this
n also the girl was not cute
she was fat n ugly
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
hey i saw your other questions...they always leave the good looking ones for the ugly ones.....maybe he jsut likes the attention he gets fromother chick..some men have very low self esteem and being and flirting and loking at other women gives them that boost..i hate men
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
This might just be the way he's going to talk to other girls. If your really conserded then just tell him you don't like him talking to other girls like that.
Or do the same thing with other guys ;) hahah
but yeah you should just trust that he's telling you the truth
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
I really wouldn't worry !!
As long as your b/f is open with you, there is no danger in him sending messages to other girls or getting messages from other girls.
If it bothers your , try talking to him. Talking is the best way of reassuring your feeling.
However , when you 'confront 'him with this , make sure you don't accuse him of any sort of a kind. Just tell him you love him so much and want to be the only girl for him that really matters to him. If he is really thruthfull , he will reply that these ather girls don't mean anything to him.
Accep the answer and , TRUST HIM! Really , you could distroy a great relationship by mistrus. He had a life before he met you and he is allowed to have contact with other girls. there is nothing wrong with that.
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
if that was the entire message then you have nothing to worry about. and is she really is fat and ugly then you have nothing to worry about. Unless you thing that a fat and ugly girl is going to take your man,
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
Don't worry about it, especially if she's fat and ugly. My advise is to ignore his myspace entirely it causes so many stupid fights.
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
maybe you should cool down.
HE SEND OTHER girls messages. does this mean somthing?
my bf is 21 also and he told me he sends girls messages over and over from his past (exes and a girl he WISHES was his ex, they never went out but he liked her a lot) and they never EVER reply to him. in fact one of them just completely deleted myspace. i think that its is EXTREMELY DUMB TO TELL ME that he sends messages but the ones that scare me are the messages he doesnt tell me about. But i sure as **** dont tell him the messages i send to this one guy. He would want to kill him. So my advice for you, is if you feel bad about it, just send a message to someone else semi-flirting and you'll feel fine!
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